Monday, June 6, 2022

Kitten Quilt Delivered

Finally, after way too long, my precious niece Ariel has her kitten quilt.  

People have asked about the top right kitten, with no features, but that kitten is facing the other way.  Ariel likes it, and I am happy.  It's an Elizabeth Hartman pattern.

This morning I went up the hill to the medical center for a mammogram follow up from last week.  All is well, and I am happy.  It was just a glitch.

I was thinking, as I drove through the big medical center complex, about how lucky I am to drive 20 minutes and receive good care.  So many people have to travel much longer distances.  Not that I am bashing rural medical centers, I'm not.

When I moved to this area I asked my former primary care provider, who was at college health services, (what a wonderful perk that was of working at a college,) how to find a new doctor in my new city.  Her advice was to look at the academic center physicians .  I have been grateful for her advice. 

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