Sunday, June 26, 2022

Four More


And just like that, I was way behind on my Moda quilt blocks.  So, here are four new ones, and I think I only have three to catch up now.  The applique block was a pleasant surprise, it had been a long time since I'd done any applique.

I'll keep going until the series ends on September 28, or until I run out of coordinating fabrics, which ever comes first.  I'm guessing that I'll run out of fabric first.

Backing up a few Sundays, here is my Pentecost banner.  Fire and wind.  It looks pretty simple, and it is, but with a fan blowing the strips it was effective.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Birthday Sundae


One of the nice things about the Graeter's app - the birthday sundae.  Two scoops of any ice cream, any topping.  Today I had banana chocolate chip ice cream and strawberry topping.  Whipped cream, nuts, and a cherry.  It was delightful, and it was dinner.

So, now is the time to consider being this new age and to plan my end-of-year 2022 goals.  I have not yet reached the average life expectancy of women in the US, although I'm approaching it.  And I'm grateful for my years.

Still, this has been a hard week.  I am worrying about my daughters and my grandchildren.  I'll leave it at that.

Last week at this time my daughters and I were at Red River Gorge.  If you haven't heard of it, look it up.  And look up how Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas was instrumental in preventing the gorge from being dammed to become a lake.  I think of that every visit.

We had a modern cabin in a rural area, maybe seven miles from the gorge.  We celebrated birthdays, Winnie's and mine.  We ate pizza from Miguel's.  I'm ready to go back.  

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Berry Block


Back to the Moda Blockheads piecing - other things got in the way for a few weeks.

This is last week's block, Berry-block.  I have to admit that it wasn't one of my favorites to piece, there are a lot of little squares for what will end up being a 9" block.

Today I was doing a sewing job that required hooks and eyes - also not one of my favorite things.  

My grand guy just got back from the doctor for a mysterious itchy rash on his legs that just wouldn't go away.  Poor guy has poison ivy.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Kitten Quilt Delivered

Finally, after way too long, my precious niece Ariel has her kitten quilt.  

People have asked about the top right kitten, with no features, but that kitten is facing the other way.  Ariel likes it, and I am happy.  It's an Elizabeth Hartman pattern.

This morning I went up the hill to the medical center for a mammogram follow up from last week.  All is well, and I am happy.  It was just a glitch.

I was thinking, as I drove through the big medical center complex, about how lucky I am to drive 20 minutes and receive good care.  So many people have to travel much longer distances.  Not that I am bashing rural medical centers, I'm not.

When I moved to this area I asked my former primary care provider, who was at college health services, (what a wonderful perk that was of working at a college,) how to find a new doctor in my new city.  Her advice was to look at the academic center physicians .  I have been grateful for her advice. 

Saturday, June 4, 2022

In the Garden


It's what was in my front yard garden.  Something delicious in its mouth.

And then later in the evening I saw a mama deer help a very tiny baby across the street and into my neighbor's back yard.  That yard slopes down the hill into a brushy area, perfect for hiding out.  I hope the coyotes stay away.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Second Pillow Cover


Second pillow cover for the church foyer.  Same fabrics, different Moda blockheads design.  There are more fabric scraps left, I'm thinking of a communion table cover.

And I'm thinking of the new Graeter's flavor of the month - banana chocolate chip.  After stable AC1 blood work yesterday, I'm going to try some.  

I was a little anxious about the test because ever since the beginning of the year my exercising has been terrible.  Until now, with longer days and the garden needing something every day, my mood has improved and my steps have picked up.  There was a lovely rain shower this morning so I won't spread that last bag of mulch today.

Just to clarify - not the last bag of mulch for the year, just the last bag until I go back to the storeI need more potting soil too.

One of the year's subgoals was to get Miracle Grow poting soil - that stuff produces wonderful results.