Saturday, January 13, 2018

Home Office

Someone in a meeting recently said they would like to see the office spaces of the other committee members.  I took a couple of pictures and sent them.  I have to admit to feeling pretty vulnerable doing that, not sure exactly why.  Maybe because hardly anyone sees this area except for me.

One side of my office is pretty office-y.  The other side has been overtaken by sewing machines.

During the holidays the office is also the wrapping/packing area, so it looks different now than it did a month ago.

I have spent part of the morning shoveling snow and trying to get the ice off my porch.  I'm not sure why the porch ended up a sheet of ice, a really, really thick sheet of ice.  The gutters are clean, so it wasn't a gutter issue, and it was too cold for the snow on the roof to melt anyway.  Maybe there was Ice Melt left over from the previous freezing rain and it kept the snow melted until the temperatures dropped.  Maybe not.

Most likely, chipping at the ice with a hammer isn't the preferred way of dealing with this, but it's what I could come up with.

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

I used an ice chipper one time and damaged the concrete porch directly behind the steps.
Each time I walk up or down the steps--I wince.

The ice may break--but then so can the cement.
If it wood, I think you may be okay.