Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Piecing Again


Encouraged by yesterday's two loads of laundry and several trips upstairs, I went up into my sewing room and worked on piecing the rest of this table runner.  Time went by as it should, and tomorrow I'll go back and quilt it.

It had been a long time since I'd turned on that machine, but it nicely told me what to do, as it does.  

My nursing home friend emailed me this morning that she and the other residents are on lockdown.  No one is telling them just why, but I'm guessing it's the flu.  My heart hurts for those older people, confined to their rooms, meals brought to them.

She was looking forward to a Valentine party this week - there are three days - maybe the lockdown will be lifted in time.

It's snowing this morning, but not very seriously, folks south of here are getting more.  Ours will be gone by tomorrow.

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

I like the table runner...great points. Nursing Home Lock Down- sigh my heart hurt just reading that.......I seem to be in a great mood today- even the desk top calendar under the keyboard has a happy vibe...... I have a book to finish reading and hopefully I can find more books by this author in the Maine Cat.. Tessa Bailey. This one takes place on Cape Cod. Beach Rentals.