Friday, February 21, 2025

 Finally, yesterday, I made the pizza I'd been planning, and putting off making, for days.  Mushrooms, black olives, tomatoes.  I had plans for green olives too, but I couldn't open the jar.

After a long, cold and snowy week, I'm looking forward to getting out this afternoon for a grocery order pick-up.  It's been hard lately trying to figure out what sounded good, and healthy, to cook.  This order has things for a stir fry, a fruit salad, and an Impossible meat  noodle casserole.  And a few things for my college granddaughter.

Burpee seeds has a buy one get one seed special today, so I'll be putting in an order.  I want something pretty, something that can be planted early, and that basil that promises to go into late summer.  Certainly that yellow squash that grows on a bush, that was awesome last year.  And maybe a small watermelon, new this year, also on a bush instead of a vine.

I've been dreaming lately of spring walks up the hills in my neighborhood.  At this point, a dream is what it is, but I plan to be ready.  Just in the past week I've been able to cut way back on the pain meds, and that's an indicator that I'm healing well.

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