Saturday, March 5, 2016

A Beer With Lunch

Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Porter

Steph had the day off yesterday and we had a lovely lunch at Flipdaddy's.  It's so close to home for me but I'd never been there.  Lots of burgers, and any of the variations could be made with a black bean burger.  I'll be back, I'm always on the lookout for a restaurant where I'll feel comfortable by myself.

How fun early yesterday morning to walk with Nora to her bus stop while Aaron was at the dentist.  And how fun yesterday afternoon to have a visit from Aaron while Nora was at her pitching lesson.  This afternoon will be a tournament basketball game for Aaron, and that may be the end of his basketball season.  No wins for his team during the regular season, but he's on to baseball practice and happy about that.

There should be a couple of warm days next week, and I'm hoping to do a bit of yard work.  Everything looks so worn.  A few of the ornamental grasses need to be divided and they all need to be cut back.  If I can do that much, things will look better.  

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