Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Today's Ramblings

The kids and I went to Behringer Crawford Museum in Covington today.  It's a hidden treasure (I say that because I always get lost trying to find it.)  Totally not crowded, we were the only ones there for most of the time.  The favorite spot is a two-story river steam boat, complete with sound and a galley and magnetic fishing.  Oh, and costumes.  Nora quickly dressed Aaron in the captain costume but didn't choose one for herself today.  The floor is a vinyl that looks just like water.  Totally kid friendly.

After a late lunch and a play dough session at home, we went to the Sweet Tooth for ice balls.  We sat inside for a few minutes, then the kids begged to sit outside so that their ice balls would melt more easily.  It was 100 degrees or so, but we did it and there were no complaints.  Nora had grape, hence the blue lips.

Nora lost a tooth a few days ago, her third.  This one was much less traumatic than the others, probably because there wasn't a new tooth behind it and it was easier to wiggle.  She was one happy little girl.

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