Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Fill-In # 82

Today's postcard

Here are the Friday fill-ins. Answers are in bold.

1. I believe whatever doesn't kill you makes you happy in the end. I believe that we can see a little picture of our lives, primarily what's ahead of us right now. We have the memories of what's behind us, of course, but we can't push back the frame to get a bigger glimpse that puts where we are right now in perspective.

2. If you're good at something, share it. I recently met a quilter who makes quilts for premies and donates them to hospitals. And she makes quilts that ride in the trunks of the Newport police cruisers so that if a child is involved in a tough situation the officer on duty can give the child a comforting quilt. She's my new hero.

3. Who so many careless drivers? We all need to look out for each other.

4. Something is out there, it's really, really good. And it will make our hearts happy. (Yeah, my glass is half full.)

5. If my life were a sitcom it would be titled Run for the Roses. I'm always looking for that horse that starts in the back of the pack, then picks up speed toward the end of the race. That's me.

6. Sitting on my back porch, I see St. Luke's East Hospital, up on the hill. When I first moved here, that bothered me a little. People die there. And then my sister, bless her, reminded me that people heal there, too, and leave a little, or a lot, better than they came.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Nora and Aaron time, tomorrow my plans include picking up Sarah at the airport and going to the GAP outlet and First Watch on the way home, and Sunday I want to go to the Newport Arts and Music Festival. (Hey, Steph, there's a Children's Art Zone.)

I love Fridays and hope you have a happy one.


K said...

I love your optimistic, glass-half-full answers!!

Enjoy your weekend!

Janet said...

I loved so many of your answers, particularly #s 2 & 6 :-) Enjoy your weekend, you big optimist, you (I am too!).

Thanks for playing!