Friday, May 24, 2024

Check Out This Cake


The birthday cake was for my chainsaw-loving daughter.  Note the two interested little dogs looking on.  They each got a small bite of the birthday-pizza crust but probably didn't score a bite of cake.

For Sarah's mom (that would be me) it's one of those how did the time go by so quickly moments.

Note to anyone who needs one:  there is a pop-up birthday card on Amazon with a candle to be blown out, celebration lights, and music playing the Happy Birthday song.

Recovery from my eye surgery continues in those small increments.  I've been cleared to sew (although I haven't) and to do my physical therapy lower body exercises (which I have.)  This coming week has no follow up visits.

Lot of trucks in my neighborhood because of a sewer line break.  This won't be a quick fix.  One unfortunate neighbor had sewage coming into his basement - twice.

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