Monday, February 4, 2019

Collaborative Pink Baby Quilt

Collaborative baby quilt.  Piecing by me, quilting by my friend.  It's a gift for our doctor's new baby girl.  Until a month ago, we didn't know we went to the same doctor.  Out of all the doctors in this large metropolitan area.

I know it's been awhile since my last post.  There just didn't seem to be much to say.

Maybe there still isn't, but I've made a few personal changes.  I've been feeling bad because I never get the recommended 10,000 steps per day.  So, I've changed my goal to 6,000 steps per day, which is more realistic for now and I can feel better about it.

And I've decided to do a weekly review of daily goals left unaccomplished.  At that point, I can either do them or let them go.  Blogging was one for last week, if you haven't guessed.

The third is to keep a pantry, although I don't have an actual pantry.  More like a shelf or two.  And freezer goodies too.  Like I said before, I've tried to cook fresh but sometimes ended up eating fast food because I was tired or didn't have anything on hand.  That was defeating my purpose.  Canned peas and green beans are better than no veggies at all.  Those are two veggies that I just don't like frozen.

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

Love the quilt. Also love that you are moderating your exercise program. I never counted steps--well, once at the greenhouse. I hit 10.000 before lunch which gave me an idea of what that looked like and I stopped counting. Just walked because--I walk.

We disagree on the peas and green beans. Frozen peas never canned. Fresh green beans--even in green bean casserole.