Sunday, January 20, 2019

Pajama Day

Yesterday was a deliberate pajama day, as opposed to a pajama day that just kind of unfolds that way.  Toward the end of the day I got an email 50% off coupon from my favorite pizza place, favorite because they have an excellent veggie pizza (the white dots are feta cheese) and because they have a drive through.

When I pulled up to the drive through window there was a sign that said "drive through closed."  The driveway WAS a mess getting out, it looked like chunks of icy snow from excavation had fallen down.  Of course by then there wasn't much choice except to drive through.

I really wanted that pizza so I did the honorable thing and went into the store in my pajamas with a coat on top.  Luckily the pajama pants are kind of trendy looking, sort of like the patterned leggings that younger women are wearing these days.  I tried to act as if I meant to wear them all along.  A couple of people were seated, waiting for their pizza, with nothing to do but check out who was coming in and out.

Snow fell during the night.  My neighbor shoveled this morning, which I appreciate very much.  It's cold, cold.  Several of the ladies have indicated that they won't be coming to Baby Quilt Group tomorrow so we're cancelling.

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