Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Frog on the Rails

Seen at the big box hardware and garden center this morning, a frog on the rails of an SUV.  I hadn't planned to go, I really hadn't, but my neighbor called and said that they had LOTS of reduced plants today.  People hadn't been shopping because it's been rainy and cold.  And a new shipment was on the way.

I got two lovely hanging ferns for $5 each, two containers, some bedding plants.  Most were 70% off and looked so pretty and fresh.  You can't sale shop and say, "I want exactly this pink petunia today."  The sale flowers might be white petunias or purple dahlias.  But if you're willing to go with what they have, there are bargains to be had.

On the way home, I rounded the corner on my city street and saw two little deer grazing.  I hope this isn't a sign that my plants are doomed.

Some time, perhaps next week, a routine will set in.  There will be baseball/softball games scheduled and not postponed because of weather.  School will be winding down and the special events will be over.

The school projects will be done, but I did enjoy helping my neighbor girl scheme how to sew together her art project kite.  And I am looking forward to going to Aaron's school on Friday morning for Muffins with Mom.  Or, in this case, with Gran B.

Nora was scheduled to be starting pitcher tonight.  The weather was fine.  But, the other team's coach had mixed up the times.  No game today.

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

I NEVER get there when the good stuff goes on sale. Just the old crappy stuff that needs composting.
I could ask for the old stuff to compost. Wonder if they would do it????

I bought stuff from my work today. I hate doing it--think I should get it free since I don't make much money.
anyway, 38 dollars later I have 6 flats evenly divided between flowers and herbs (parsley, dill) and I am about ready to plant up two of my big containers. I am going with a totally not Joanne color scheme. Yellow, pinky lavender, red. the red in a separate container. Lowes had a six pack of Mandavilla. We sell them for 39.00 for one sort of large one. I have the opportunity to grow 6 of them. they are about 8 inches tall right now but busting out ready to rock and roll. We'll see what happens. I put fresh batteries in my camera--now to remember how to download.