Monday, August 25, 2014

Green Bag

I taught a class on Saturday, making this bag. Since it had been awhile since I'd made one, I made another before the class.  I like to be really prepared.  Over-prepared, if the truth were known.  It takes awhile to do the embroidery, but then the bag goes super quickly.  It's one of my favorite Viking projects (April.)

Thanks to Joanne for her thoughtful comment about bringing the begonia inside.  You can see her comment on August 19's post.  I would have just brought it in, wondered why it didn't do well, then decided that it really wasn't an indoor plant. Her information is really good, I'm sure she is a great teacher. 

The garden is looking a bit dedraggled.  The new rhubarb, after a few days of recovery, is now chewed down to the nubs.  I have some Russian sage ready to plant today.  And the summer squash, which is usually done by now, is producing like crazy.

I have so many projects to start on that I can't seem to decide on one.  I need to just start on one, any one, and see where things go.

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