Thursday, March 28, 2013

Grandmother Is . . .

Aaron spent much of the weekend with me and enjoyed one of his favorite e-books, an interactive Little Red Riding Hood, repeating again and again his favorite phrase, "Grandmother was sick as a dog."  (What is it with kids, that new phrases tickle their fancy and they repeat them again and again?)

And the next thing I knew, Aaron had croup and then Grandmother was sick as a dog.  And now Steph is sick as a dog.  And surely it's just a matter of time until Nora has croup as well.  And we're supposed to be leaving for Asheville in the morning.

I know that adults don't usually get croup so maybe Steph and I have unrelated viruses.  And Nora is kind of out of the bad croup age, so she may escape and everyone will feel better and my blue car will be going down the highway tomorrow.

I dragged myself over to the dealership yesterday for an oil change but just felt too rough to pick things up inside and dust a little bit.  The all-weather mats, thank goodness for them, are muddy because when it thaws a little there is still mud from the construction last fall.  And there were crumbs all over the back seat, and I had to ask them to check out the back seat belts because after the recall work I could barely buckle Aaron's.  I was afraid they might say, "Of course you can't buckle it, it's filled up with crumbs."

That didn't happen, though, and the dealership washes the car when it's in so at least it's lovely on the outside.  And I've learned that it's kind of futile to clean out the inside BEFORE a car trip with kids.  Maybe the dealership has seen worse, I don't know.  Aren't Subaru's supposed to look a little rugged?   

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

I stopped taking my BMW to one dealer because after spending $350 on an oil change they returned the car to me just as dirty as when I dropped it off. All our other cars get washed when serviced. In the BMW magazine the company sent me every month there were stories of dealers who left a red rose on the dash of cars that got oil changes. So, I called an complained.

Guess what happened? the dealer refused to make service appointments with me because I loused up his 100% approval rating. And I complained about that and the national company MADE him service my car. It was all very disagreeable. I was happy when the car was out of warranty and I could go elsewhere.

I think they should consider vacuuming the cars.