Thursday, March 26, 2009

Friday Fill-In # 117

Janet at Friday Fill-Ins used the first sentences from six of her favorite books for the fill-ins this week. I'm not familiar with any of them, so I'll just make up my own sentences. How fun.

1. "In a hole in the ground, there lived a whole worm family with many babies and dozens of cousins, happy to be at the bottom of the garden with a job to do. They would break up the ground and make it moist and crumbly and perfectly prepared for the carrots that lived on top."

2. "The dress was old and gently used but that ain't no matter because it was part of a dress-up box in preschool. It was worn to "cook" and worn to "dance" and worn to "parties" every day."

3. "After the rain began to fall again, the baseball game stopped, the tarps came out, and people huddled under umbrellas, waiting for the Opening Day game to begin once again." Oh, no, hope that doesn't happen.

4. "At the dark bottom of the sea, beautiful fish wandered in and out from the hold of the Spanish Galleon. They didn't stop to admire the treasure because what's treasure to us isn't impressive to a fish."

5. "There was a hand in the darkness and the gentle sound of a soft voice saying 'don't worry, I'll help you get out.'"

6. "Accidents ambush the unsuspecting because, after all, that's why they're accidents. Unplanned, unwanted, a surprise with a wish that time could roll back for a minute."

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to some relaxation (it's been a long week,) tomorrow my plans include watching basketball, and Sunday I want to finish the red quilt with the redwork bears. And watch basketball.

Happy Friday, everyone.


threesidesofcrazy said...

you're always so good at telling whole stories for each answer. Happy quilting right back!

Janet said...

WOW!!! I loved reading these, especially the worm family :-) Well done, so creative!

Anonymous said...

I love the worm family! :-) enjoy the weekend! Thanks for dropping by, by the way. :-)

Taylor said...

I love #4!

planettreasures said...

I love you story about the worms, and the dress one is great too.
Enjoy your weekend.

A said...

I love how you made your own story as answers! :) Very creative! :D

Happy Weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

Your #1 is like a start of a good story. I love the positivity of #5.

Anonymous said...

I think the detail of it being a "carrot" garden, as opposed o whatever garden the reader imagines, is nice.

I don't want to hear much about basketball however. I watched the Heat game last night and it brought out the ogre in me!

Diana_CT said...

Very good!
I love the stories that you made.

eMelectric said...

Your answers are very vivid. I especially love #6: "a surprise with a wish that time could roll back for a minute." Poetic!

Have a happy weekend. :o)