Thursday, March 19, 2009

Friday Fill-In # 116

I always enjoy doing Friday Fill-Ins. Answers are in bold.

1. Why do we have to be responsible for ourselves? It would be so much easier to say, "that didn't turn out right and it's all your fault." After studying about existential theory and personal responsibility in Counseling 101, my life was never quite the same.

2. Drinking lots of water early in the morning and eating oatmeal are now habits. I started taking Fosomax back in the day when it was a daily morning pill and required drinking lots of water. Now it's a weekly morning pill, but the habit of drinking lots of water early remains. I'm hoping that the oatmeal helps with my cholesterol - these things seem to come with getting old.

3. I have everything I need. Everything. And yes, I know, I'm very blessed.

4. I had never heard the phrase "down in the back" and it still always makes me think twice about what it means. It refers to having a backache and it's probably an Appalachian phrase, at least that's where I first heard it.

5. I'll do my projects bit by bit the way I always do. I tend to break my projects into pieces and tackle a piece at a time, thinking about it as I go. Sometimes I think it would be cool to jump right into a project, have it all lined out, and work flat out until I'm finished. But then, what happens if you see that it could be improved if you do it differently and you're in flat-out-finish mode? I see people who aren't willing to change things once they get started and I don't want to be one of those people.

6. How was I to know that the wonderful spacious perfect studio where I work would quickly seem too small? Is the answer better organization? Or do I just spill over into the office area? I think that's it. I never dreamed that I would have a second sewing machine, requiring a second table which took away design wall space. And now I have an embellishing machine and am dreaming of a serger. Guess that's what happens when you work in a sewing machine shop. (And yes, I do use both sewing machines. A lot.)

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to taking dinner to Steph and Mike's (Steph will be coming home from her conference in Las Vagas in the evening,) tomorrow my plans include teaching a beading foot class, and Sunday I want to watch basketball and sew.

Happy Friday, everyone.


Janet said...

what is beading foot?

Anonymous said...

nice fill ins, especially your number one. how i wish i could also say that it's not my fault when something went wrong.

have a fun weekend!

Anonymous said...

I usually plan on #5 but sometimes, when the mood hits me i go full blast into flat-out-finish mode:)

Last year, with too much unnecessary pressure from our boss, I have been wishing for #1:). Thank goodness, he's not my boss anymore.

Have a good weekend.

sara said...

what is a beading foot class?!!

Have a good weekend!

Daisy @ Our Growing Family said...

now that i've started doing these (well, i try to when i get the chance to sit down at the computer and get it done on time!), i have to wait until mine is done before reading yours. :) that way i have no ideas of how anyone else would answer and mine are original. i always enjoy reading yours. your life seems so full - esp with your family close by! and you're always so positive and grateful for everything - it's such a reminder to me when i want to be negative! thanks for that. :)