Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Front Yard Garden

Today's postcard

Morning time is so precious - that time between when I get up around 6 and leave for work around 8:45. It flies by at an unbelievable speed. That's when I try to do my postcards, housework, maybe a precious little quilting, not to mention ironing and showering. Evening is a little unpredictable, energy-wise. Morning is best for me.

Where I'm going with this is that I've decided that I really need to squeeze a little walking in that morning time, even if it's just 15 minutes. Especially during summer, it's fun to look at neighbors' flower beds when I'm out walking.

The only tomatoes I've seen in front yard beds are mine. I'm a big fan of mixing veggies and flowers, and my back yard isn't sunny. And when I lived at the Ecovillage, there were some dandy front yard gardens.

This winter I started tomatoes from seed with a package of mixed heirloom varieties. The package is long gone, so I don't know exactly what I have. The little yellow ones are golf-ball sized, very sweet. I'm getting about one every other day now.

Beside the yellow tomato is one with large tomatoes that are turning purple. You can see one ripening on the left side of the picture around the center. I don't think it's a Cherokee purple, but it's something like that.

And next year, ah, next year. There will be more beds, more flowers, more squash, more tomatoes, more everything. Starting earlier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Connie, your enthusiasm is inspiring! Steph must get her ability for quickness, getting things accomplished from you!
Love your postcard today, the one you sent me even more!! Thank you.
Maybe a little walk in the morn. will end up giving you extra kick for eve. hope so! Janice