Thursday, June 20, 2024

Solstice Kind of Picture


The picture is called Last Flowers, by Jules Breton.  It features a young girl picking late flowers in a snowy garden.

It's more of a winter solstice kind of picture, but I visited the Cincinnati Art Museum, and this picture, on this summer solstice day.

The Art Museum is so close to home, and thanks to generous people there is no admission fee, except for special exhibits.  I love to go and just wander around, visiting old favorites and seeing what's new.  

This was my first visit since being sick in December, and I decided against the elevator and walked up the marble staircase, just because I could.

When I made out my list of goals in January, visiting the art museum made the list.  In a few days it will be midyear and time to look at those goals, reevaluate, and add some new ones.  As you know, I love goals.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

New Garden Flag


The new flag in my garden:

    Love Your Neighbor

    Who Doesn't

    Look Like You

    Think Like You

    Love Like You

    Speak Like You

    Pray Like You

    Vote Like You

    Love Your Neighbor

    No Exceptions

On my walk I noticed a house with a Gay Pride Flag, followed by two houses with Trump signs.  And I could smile and hope those neighbors get along well together, even though their opinions may, and may not, be different.  But on another street there are three signs in one yard, all of them displaying language and drawings very disrespectful and divisive.  

My garden flag is a counter to that, but it's also a daily reminder to me:  love your neighbor, no exceptions.

Friday, June 14, 2024



 Cosmos, my favorite today.  Started from seed.

Two medical appointments this week, which is a lot for a doctor-phobe like me.  Lots more labs.  The rheumatologist was concerned because I have a marker for rheumatoid arthritis.  I have no symptoms and hand x rays show no sign of it.  CBC is normal.  So, the news so far is good.

When I saw the rheumatologist in the hospital my girls were impressed by her boots (it was December.).  Today I liked her flip flops and red toenail polish.  The nice, supportive flip flops, not the drug store kind.

The other appointment was with the nurse practitioner at the hematologist's office.  Keep on keeping on, come back to see her in three months.  See the doctor in six months.

It's been a busy week, appointments and meetings, and I've declared tomorrow a day off.  

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Good Day


This morning I went online early to schedule an appointment to renew my drivers license with a real ID license.  There was a cancellation open in twenty minutes in the next little town and I got there right at 9:00.  I may have been wearing my pajama top but it looks like a tee and it's a pretty color.  Now my license will be coming in the mail and will be good for eight years.  Eight years!

Then I went to the DMV to renew my car tags but their computer was down.  I can come back another day, it's less than a mile from home.  The hardest part of that, and the drivers license, was finding the documentation.

Then I got a hair cut and the stylist said I had plenty of hair, which was a relief.  A couple of months after being sick my hair started coming out more than usual.  That seems to have stopped now, just like WebMD said it would, and I even have little wispy bangs.

There was a trip to Target for a sweater to wear this weekend.  Of course I checked out with the sweater and also other things and I was happy about it.  How does Target do that?

The last stop was at the library for some books on hold, including Kristen Hannah's Fly Away, which one of my friends highly recommended.  I have all my steps in for the day and it's time to read.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

My Kind of Puzzle

Sometimes I sort of enjoy doing jig-saw puzzles, if they are 300 pieces, no more, and have a defined picture.  I can't say it's something I love, it's just kind of enjoyable.

This one, though, I'm really into.  It's not challenging, I'm not into challenging.  It was fairly easy to put together the outside edges, then the individual blocks.  After that it's just been fun.  I can usually walk past, stop and pick up a piece, and often just drop it in.  The different squares have differently-colored backgrounds, and that's helpful too.

And, it reminds me of a quilt.  What's not to like?  Unless, you like the really challenging stuff.