Thursday, September 4, 2008

What I'll Miss About Summer

Today's postcard. Oops, first time I ever melted a hole in the stabilizer.

Things I'll miss as cold weather comes -

Fresh things. Really fresh. I don't know what this heirloom tomato is, but it's unbelievably sweet. Does anyone know what it is? You can click on the photo for a larger view.

And this one - I'll miss grabbing a little yellow tomato on my comings and goings. Once again, does anyone know what it is? The tomatoes are larger than cherry tomatoes.

The asparagus ferns on on my back porch.
Summer light.
The riverfront in the evenings. The three little lines are kayaks.
The sandal tan on my feet.
Stories of the Splash Park.
And Aaron's littleness. The little guy is growing so fast.

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