Saturday, May 10, 2008

Glad to be Home

Today's postcard

I am so glad to be home, despite feeling unexplainedly sad on the ride back. I'm glad to see my plants on the back porch doing well, glad to have my week's worth of clothes clean, or almost, glad to have internet and catch up on your blogs, and glad to be doing grocery shopping once again and trying out a new beer - I like this stuff. If you see it, give it a try.

On my way out of town, I did swing by Lake Eric one more time. I've so been craving the beach lately, and even though this doesn't qualify, it's a mightly big body of water with a little sand

and a little bit of soothing wave noise.
I'm feeling good about myself for all the learning I did. My brain's in overload, but I know that in the next couple of days I'll sort it all out into categories and the information will clunk into my mental file folders. Love the sound of that clunk.

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