Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins # 72

Today's postcard

Ah, Friday, and back to the Friday fill-ins after being gone last week. My answers are the bold lettering.

1. There is no way you can get me to eat raw onions. I hated them as a child and hate them still.

2. Flowers for sale at the grocery and hardware stores and at WalMart and Lowe's remind me that summer is almost here. Some are well tended, others not, some are more expensive than others, but the best ones are almost always at the nurseries and they're not necessarily the most expensive.

3. I cannot live without my books and sewing machine. I could, of course, but not nearly as contentedly as I live with them.

4. Batiking and heritage stitching are two things I'd like to try. Hopefully, there will be pictures of batiking next week.

5. When life hands you lemons, look at it as an opportunity for growth and the chance for change. It's really up to us how we look at things.

6. Lying in the front yard looking at the stars is my favorite childhood memory. Maybe that's why I like camping so well now.

7. As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to dyeing fabric and going to the bookstore, tomorrow my plans include Nora and Aaron time, and Sunday I want to do more planting.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Oh, I LOVE your answer to #6; I love camping too! Thanks for playing :-)