Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday Fill-In # 73

Today's postcard

Time for some Friday Fill-Ins. Answers in bold.

On my laziest day, I like to read all day and eat a real breakfast. Preferably a book I can't put down and scrambled eggs and pancakes for breakfast.

Going grocery shopping makes me feel like I'm being productive. It's the business of getting out, bringing home nourishing goodies, unpacking things. My grandmother used to say that as long as she could "push the cart" she was still getting along ok.

This summer I want to make my yard look pretty. Or, at least mowed. So far, it's been slow going, but hey, I've been busy.

Red dyes and orange dyes. Dyes of all colors, actually, but red and orange are my favs. Forest green and black, not so much, but still good.

And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to WalMart shopping that I've put off forever, tomorrow my plans include working from 9 - 5, and Sunday I want to go to Berea for graduation. My international host student from Jamaca is graduating, as well as some special student parents. Should be a great day.

Happy weekend, everyone.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Funny...I just got back from grocery shopping. I hit the expensive, good place for most of the meat and produce and the cheap place for the rest :-) Have a great weekend, thanks for playing!