Saturday, January 12, 2019

Wet Snow

It snowed during the night, a very wet snow.  Sarah just showed me a picture from their North Carolina Weather Channel of one of their weathermen at an Ohio River bridge in my adjacent town.

The thing is, we aren't Weather Channel worthy.  Barely enough to cover the grass.  I have a feeling that the weatherman was here for the hyped 4" - 8", which didn't happen.  But the contract people who drive their pickups with plows and salt were busy, buzzing around in the early morning.  It's always that way with the first couple of snows.  By March, they are over it.

I went out to the library in the afternoon to get four more books and to Graeter's for a pint of ice cream.  I hoped there would be peppermint left from Christmas, but no such luck.  They did have the new seasonal flavor, chocolate chocolate almond chocolate chip.  Yes, there are three chocolate's in the name.  And, it's good.  But not so tempting that I just want to eat it all.  Something about chocolate ice cream, I don't tend to want to keep digging in.

A personal victory today - I did 250 steps for each of the nine hours specified on my fitbit.  The little dots turned green and flashed and I felt good.  Sometimes it doesn't take much.

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