Saturday, January 5, 2019

Good Tidings

As I was cleaning up today, I came across this metal tag, nicely wrapped in black tissue, along with a similar one.  I'm going to assume that it was meant for me and just enjoy it.

Yesterday my son-in-law was involved in a bad traffic accident.  Luckily, he was in a large vehicle and his check-up following an ambulance ride revealed no broken anything.  I am beyond grateful.  The family dog was with him and stayed nicely in the vehicle until my daughter could come to get her.  The tow truck driver was there by then and didn't even realize there was a dog in the vehicle.  The dog is ok.

Just incidental:  when I went to the suburban ER, I noted that there was no police presence and no metal detector, different from the large urban ER I am familiar with.

My grand guy, age 11, came home from school and heard the news and immediately sat down to write a letter to the governor about the dangerous intersection.  He stopped to consider writing to the president instead and puzzled over whether the president gets so much mail that his letter would be lost.  He decided the governor would be a better option.


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