Thursday, January 17, 2019

Steaming Eggs

When Winnie was here at Christmas, she taught me to steam "hard boiled eggs" instead of boiling them.  It's taken me a couple of times to get them just right, fifteen minutes steaming instead of the twelve minutes that work for her.  Maybe my pan is bigger, maybe my eggs are larger, maybe my eggs are more cold to start with.  But those eggs - they peel so nicely, it's amazing.

Bring about an inch of water to boiling in your pan.  My pan is big, so I've learned that two inches works better.  Put the eggs in the steamer basket, put the lid on, keep the water simmering, and when the time is up, put the eggs in an ice water bath.  That's it.

I'm learning to use Google Docs like the big kids do.  I'm in love with the fact that the document saves itself every few seconds.  I worked three hours, then sent the document off to the others in the group.  Fingers crossed.

Tomorrow will be a day for me to go back over my undone goals for the week.  After I get groceries and that ice melting stuff - not rock salt.  It may just snow again Saturday and it may not.  For the most part, I've stayed in this week, and I'm content with that.

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