Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Snow Tracks

I don't know who/what made these tracks in my back yard.  Wasn't me.

I have ordered some quilting rulers.  Many of my quilting friends started using them long ago, but I had never been tempted.  If nothing else, I hope they get me moving with my quilting again.

Joanne had suggested a sweet potato/Brussels spouts combo that sounded good for dinner.  Only thing is, I fell asleep over a book and napped through the time for dinner prep and dinner.  I heated some veggie corn dogs and called it good enough.  Maybe tomorrow.  I want to put a little balsamic vinegar with the olive oil when I roast the Brussels sprouts.

Now, back to the book I fell asleep over.  It's Jodi Picoult's new book A Spark of Light.  It isn't at all a boring book, very good actually. I think that my eyes were just dry and I wanted to rest them for just a minute and the rest was history.

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