Monday, February 12, 2024



My jewelry box has twenty-four small square-shaped divisions on its top layer and today I decided to sort through them.  Procrastinating.  On letter writing and walking and reading through materials for a Zoom meeting tonight.  

Try as I might to put both my earrings in the same little box when I swap them out, some always end up separated. It's like the earrings have a party and some go home with other partners.  And the ones in the picture - their partners never could find their way home. 

At my primary care doctor this morning,  l learned that the blood thinner that I'm taking doesn't require dietary restrictions like the older ones do.  And so, I'll be trying out a new recipe for a spinach and mushroom quiche for dinner.


Diana said...

These are so lovely. I vote for wearing them mismatched and seeing whether anyone notices or comments. Of course you'll have to think up some witty retorts for any rude folks. hahahahaha

Angie said...

I agree with Diana about the earrings. :). And the quiche sounds like it will be delicious.