The postcard is a simple one using the front of a Heine Brothers coffee bag. Heine Brothers is a Louisville coffee company with several stores there. It was a nice surprise to find the coffee at the local grocery - now I can do part of my Christmas shopping at the grocery store.
On New Year's Eve morning, I met Kay, an Aberdeen neighbor for ten years, at Panera on Beechmont. We had children around the same age, did a lot of sewing projects, and Sarah always loved Kay's chocolate chip cookies.

After a while we moved across the street for lunch at LaRosa's - on Kay, since I forgot my money, license, and cards. Here's the story: I am so not a purse person and usually carry a little zippered pouch in my back jeans pocket. In the latest Oprah magazine, though, I read that plain old jeans are not a good look for women my age and determined to upgrade a little. All that is fine, but I ran out the door with the little pouch still in the back pocket of the plain old jeans I left at home. Obviously this upgrading is going to require a different way of carrying money.

It was fun catching up with Kay, and she emailed some family pictures when she got home. I'm sure I could have walked by either of her children and not recognized them. We'll do more catching up in a few weeks, and lunch will be on me.

It was snowy and cold this morning and now, at 1 p.m., it's still only 12 degrees. Love the google weather on the sidebar.

Sharon B posted the challenge for January, and it's the feeling of admiration we have for others - who do we admire and why? It's going to be tough to get that in a quilt - guess that's why it's called a challenge.
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