Monday, January 14, 2008

Old Fabric

When my daughter Sarah was small, I made her a pair of pants with the blue giraffe fabric. I can't remember whether the red was for a shirt or maybe shorts - it is lighter in weight than the blue. She really liked those pants, and I've kept the leftover fabric for about 30 years. A few days ago it surfaced, as it has from time to time, and I decided to use some of it. I'm sure you'll be seeing it again.

I also came across a piece of an old quilt that someone gave me as a Christmas gift ten years ago. I have no idea how old it is, but it's very worn and the rest of the quilt was probably even more so. I decided to start using it in various projects since it isn't doing anyone any good in the drawer. Tonight I put a couple of tiny pieces in my Admiration quilt.

I babysat for Aaron most of the day today. He was home from school with a cold but was such a good guy. His sister liked to hold her hair when she was drinking a bottle or was sleepy and Aaron tries to do the same, but he doesn't have as much hair. Sometimes in his grabbing efforts he scratches his head, and that's why he has the little scab.

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