Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday Fill-In # 106

Time for Friday Fill-Ins. I'm back on track. Answers are in bold.

1. It's January, it's cold outside, chilly inside, time for changing and dreaming. And thinking about how to save energy. I've gotten lazy about using the dryer lately, and my basement has a really nice 50's clothesline set-up. Guess I need to look for a new drying rack to go with that. I used mine my dyeing and now it has dye on it that is likely to dye my socks. Guess I'll add less dryer use to my resolution list.

2. Time to create is what I crave most right now. Time to create for me, I mean, not holiday things, not shop samples. I'm not even sure what direction to go, but I've learned that if I just start somewhere, the rest will come. That was probably the hardest lesson when I got started - I thought I needed a completed picture in my mind of what I wanted to make. Not so.

3. Cork and wine go together like nothing else. That pop when the cork comes out is so satisfying. Yesterday when I was looking for something else, I found a very tapered cork with a wooden top that is used to replace the original cork. I think Sarah got it for me. I used it right away, pulling out a cork that just wouldn't go very far back into the bottle. Nice.

4. A freezer full of little dinner goodies is so nourishing. That's another of my resolutions (yes, I have a lot of those.) I've never been really good at the cooking-for-one business and am way too apt to make one thing, eat some of it (and not make anything else for dinner,) for the next couple of days, then throw the rest away, or, stop and get something. I'm getting a lot of those little plastic containers and freezing portions so that when dinner comes I can choose something good and add veggies and a salad. And, I'm going to be more conscientious about using all my produce.

5. Let us dare to try new things and dream a lot. I'm so hopeful about our new president's plans to improve our infastructure as a way to stimulate our economy. I can't believe the money we've spent without paying attention to roads, new energy sources, education. It's crazy.

6. I love my home, but I want to make it a lot more pretty. I get so much comfort and creative energy by looking at pretty and colorful things and I want to do more to surround myself with them. I don't exactly know what that will look like, but it's coming. And yes, that's a resolution too.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to eating at Applebee's, one of my coworkers has a gift certificate and she's treating me, tomorrow my plans include working, but also dyeing something red, and Sunday I want to change out the visuals at church (don't know yet what's next but I have a feeling it will be red,) and go to the potluck with scalloped potatoes and cake. And before the weekend is over I want to see the grandbabes and take a few pictures of that pretty red hair.

Happy Friday, everyone.


Amber said...

I'm planning on busting out all of my laundry racks (we have a rental, so lines are a no-no) cause My dryer somehow scorched my last 2 loads of clothes & I'm afraid to run it until it gets fixed, lol
Ooooh, Red!
Have a fantastic weekend!

threesidesofcrazy said...

Great answers - you are back!