Saturday, February 27, 2021

Move Down, Clean Cups


When I was a young child, my mother read Alice in Wonderland to me.  I was quite taken with the Mad Hatter's phrase, "Move down, move down, clean cups, clean cups."

Today was my "clean cups" day.  Any decorations that were winter or snowman related were put away and the few spring things I have came out.  It's my way of hinting to the Universe, no more big snow or ice storms, please.

I replaced the snowman wall hanging in the kitchen with this flower-y one.  I made it years ago, when Quilt University was a thing.  I really enjoyed those classes.  On Friday evenings the section email  instructions would come and I'd work on whatever it was during the week.  This quilt was applique lessons, normally not my thing, but I still enjoyed the class.

For those of you always looking for a good book - The House in the Cerulean Sea was ready yesterday at my library.  It's a two-week book, which means it has a long waiting list.  It's a little strange so far, but still engaging.  I actually went into the library instead of doing curbside pick-up.  It was like going home.

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