Saturday, February 20, 2021

Gregg and Me


My cousin Gregg and me, in Northwest Ohio, many years ago.  I'm guessing that I was about five and Gregg maybe two.  

My snow memory:  when my brother was born, my dad would drive the few miles to town daily and pick up my grandmother to help at home.  Back in the days when new mothers were expected to do less then now.  It snowed one day and my grandmother stayed with us, sharing my bed.  I worried that my grandfather would worry if she was ok, but my parents said calling would be "long distance" and that my grandfather would know where she was.  I guess I started my worrying career early, at age five.

A big day yesterday.  I got my second Covid vaccine.  I was in the "holding pen" afterwards when I heard a voice say, "We are trying to do better each and every day."  A phrase I've heard on the governor's news conference over and over.  The governor had been to the big new vaccination site in Covington and stopped off at my site as well.  As you know, I love our gov and was thrilled to see him.

So this morning, a bit of a sore arm, but less so than with the first shot.  Feeling good so far. 

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