Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday Fill-In # 175

The Friday Fill-In answers are in bold.

1. Salsa and blue corn chips are the best, especially with peach mango salsa. Just the right combination of sweet and salty.

2. MorningStar veggie dogs are awesome and you've even got mustard to make them taste like the real thing. I wish they had them at the ball park.

3. By the time I get home I'm really hungry and am apt to grab for nuts or cheese and crackers or some other calorie dense food. And sometimes that turns into dinner.

4. Checking out the home dec bargains is what I look forward to most when grocery shopping. Followed by checking out the wonderful cheeses and the soup bar and the produce. Last stop: the magazines to see if there are any sewing or quilt magazines that I've got to have.

5. And I was dreaming about people and places and about camping and about projects yet to come. And I was happy.

6. Kentucky in the first half of May; is there anything else better? I think not. I heard it described this week as heaven on earth and that about says it all.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm planning to help pick up Nora and Aaron at child care at the end of their day, tomorrow I'm planning to work then have a longer grand babe time, and Sunday I want to make a dress for Nora. From an Indygo Junction pattern with lots of green and pink squares.

Happy Friday, everyone.

1 comment:

cheesecakepoi said...

Nice list you have.

I joined this week and here are my fill-ins.

Happy weekend.