Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Waiting Around

Yesterday Joanne posted a picture of the fabrics in her closet.  My shelves look kind of the same, except, no closet.  And except for my messy top shelf.

That's the shelf where I keep the bright fabrics and it's the one that gets the most action.  And is therefore the messiest.  Of course, there are more fabrics than this, on lower shelves, and these are just the smaller pieces, fat quarters and quarter yards, mostly, and leftovers.

I have no trouble in finding what I want for small projects and scrappy projects, what sends me to the fabric store are baby quilt backings and solids, white and gray, mostly, some pink and blue.

I am excited that the book I reserved at the library is in, Women Rowing North:  Navigating Life's Currents and Flourishing As We Age, by Mary Bray Pipher.  I could use a little navigating and flourishing about now.  I'll let you know if the book is as helpful as I'm hoping.

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

Looks like your top shelf is listing to the left pretty hard.
I'm going up in a few minutes to see what I have that "reads gray"--isn't actually gray but
looks that way. The snow has stopped but it's wet and heavy. Looks pretty. and it's quiet.
No birds, no squirrels. We also have a white ermine living, we think, under the back stoop. Hard to see when we have snow. Small and very white. No hawks overhead either.