Friday, February 15, 2019

Grand Dog Valentine Two

Grand dog Valentine part two.

Steph's dog Maggie is a good-natured dog, usually not any trouble at all.  But she does have a soft spot for delicious things.  Once she managed to snag and eat an entire chicken from the kitchen counter.

Aaron wanted a special Valentine for a girl he likes and decided on a bag of Hershey's Miniatures.  That bag, his Valentine box, and his Valentines were on the dining room table, all ready to go.  But somehow during the night, Maggie managed to pull down that bag of chocolates and ate the whole thing.

So, early yesterday morning, a trip to the vet for Maggie.  I heard that she threw up tons of chocolate and foil wrappers.  Apparently a bad combination, each have their own consequences for dogs.  But Maggie is fine now, a little "off" but otherwise her cheery self.

Hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day.

Valentine by Kay.

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