Friday, December 20, 2013

Festival of Lights

Last night the temperature was in the 50's, and the big expected rains weren't here yet, which made it the perfect night for the Festival of Lights at the zoo.  I think that most of Cincinnati had the same idea, so it was crowded with families and strollers and wagons.  Definitely "watch where you're going" and definitely wonderful.  Lots of bright lights, lots of music, definitely a good time.

The line for the parking lots stretched far down Vine Street so we parked in the parking garage where Steph works and walked the half mile or so to the zoo entrance.  Besides the lights we saw a few animals, notably the giraffes up close and personal.  They were in their building, and the viewing windows were level with their heads.  Very nice.

You'll notice that the kids' jackets are open, which was a treat in itself during this colder-than-usual and snowier-than-usual December.  Today the rain starts, stretching through the weekend, maybe 3" or 4".  Can you imagine how much snow that would be? 

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