Often mechanical instructions elude me the first or fourth time through and I've never been a "pick it up and figure it out" type of person. As a result, I am impressed with people who are, and that apparently includes my grandboy Aaron.
I know that digital cameras are easy to operate these days, but Aaron's just two and he totally gets it. He can take my camera, turn it on, point it in the right direction, request "say cheese, please," and press the button. And now and then he actually gets a picture, like this one of Nora's My Little Ponies.
I am hopeful that one day a sixteen-year-old Aaron will knock on my door and say, "What do you need for me to do, Gran B?" and I will give him my list.
Tonight at Quilt Guild we had a Christmas potluck and white elephant gift exchange. My number was the first one called, and I chose a wonderful packet of scrap leathers in luscious colors. I am so amazed by the colors and by someone's generosity
Back to work tomorrow. Last week was a something-every-night week, but after tonight this week should be an at-home-every-night kind of week. I'm grateful.
I'm also grateful for everything crossed off my to-do list today, especially getting some bags of topsoil for winter weight in the back of my truck. The lack of it has been bothering me and I'm feeling so relieved that it's taken care of.