Monday, May 4, 2009

Best Bag Ever

Isn't this the best bag ever? I finished it today - Viking Embroidery Club 138. It's made with fancy linen, lined with cotton. After a run of having things turn out "not quite right," the projects I finished today are great.

Maybe because Sarah lived in Louisville for several years, maybe because Sarah and Winnie are fun-loving, they did Derby right from Asheville. Flowers, Woodford Reserve, and a real mint julep cup.

And of course, the hat.

Winnie's a great model for a Derby hat.

And - a close-up of the garnished mint julep (and Sarah.)

In the photo of Winnie and the hat, you'll see a red formica table and chairs. They were in my house when I toured it and since Sarah really liked them, I asked for them in the offer. They're probably 50's.

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