Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April Challenge Update

Today's postcard - painted paper towels - the pretty texture doesn't show up.

The middle of the month is here - time and then some to start the April challenge - how I do feel about change. I enjoyed the Structured Fabrics class I took with Dena Crane and decided to use that technique since it changes the fabrics. I'll just try to build in some positive thinking to reflect that I enjoy changes.

Here are my basic fabrics.

And here is my woven check. Don't worry - there probably won't be scattered frog legs by the time it's finished.

Pictures from tonight - Nora making salad - she's just so grown up with her new haircut that it tugs at my heart.

And Aaron's bath - he loves it and he sits well enough that giving him a bath is easy now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And the salad was good too! Nora loves to help cook.
