I opened the box of fiberfill for this project and it's obvious that the fiberfill will not go willingly back into the box. I actually have two of these boxes, purchased for half off and waiting for whatever project that needs them. Five-pound boxes.
I am blessed to have the space to buy the things I use in bulk. Even though there's only one of me, I want the huge packages of toilet paper and paper towels. Wonder Under and batting and muslin for dyeing by the bolt. It aggravates me to go to the store for a little of this or that because I've run out or need just a little. It seems like such a waste of time and time is so precious. I've read that there are two kinds of shoppers: those like me and those who enjoy the shopping trip out because the paper towels are down to the last few sheets.
Then there's the matter of getting notions and other sewing supplies on sale. I have a good idea of what I use, what colors I'm apt to use, how my supply is. And I know what I will NEVER use. I like to think that it will all work out.
When I went to put ties on Raggedy Andy's outfit, there was red dotted ribbon in the basket, left from another project. I wouldn't have been happy to have had to go to the fabric store (even to the fabric store!) for ribbon. I knew just where it was. I like to work like that.
That is so stinkin' cute! Let's hope he doesn't throw it across the room like NOra did to Ann. I'm sure he'll join Aaron in bed w/ Buzz Lightyear and Harry the Dirty Dog!
He'll really be happy to have his very own buddy - Andy ! Looking forward to his B'day - & getting to see him & Nora !Gets to be fewer & farther between times that I do! Hope we have good weather for it !
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