Of course I haven't heard anything about my camera yet, it's only been one week of the promised six-eight weeks repair time. I'd forgotten how quickly the AA rechargable batteries lose their charge in my other camera. I take pictures at quilt guild and post them for the members and I'm wondering what to do about that. I don't think my batteries would last through that many pictures. Maybe an inexpensive little camera would be the answer so I could quit complaining.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Of course I haven't heard anything about my camera yet, it's only been one week of the promised six-eight weeks repair time. I'd forgotten how quickly the AA rechargable batteries lose their charge in my other camera. I take pictures at quilt guild and post them for the members and I'm wondering what to do about that. I don't think my batteries would last through that many pictures. Maybe an inexpensive little camera would be the answer so I could quit complaining.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
I got up early this morning to prepare bowls of fruit for a "feast" after the church service to conclude the current series. Red and green grapes and peeled clementines. On some level, I enjoy feeding people, like the preparation, even though I rarely do it any more. Pizza to Steph's house, maybe, or a mix cake to thank the neighbors for taking in my mail. I did make a really good vegetarian meat loaf this week since I really enjoyed the one at Mt. LeConte.
Walked to the fabric store this afternoon - just short of two miles round trip. Much of the return trip is up hill. In the back of my mind, I'm thinking . . . maybe this year I'll do the Thanksgiving 10K. Maybe.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The non-Grrrrr stuff: it lasted through the trip to the Smokies. And I got the extended warranty, which I never did before. I have bad luck with cameras and just had a feeling. It's seven months old.
I went to the running store today to get shoes. My toes have been hurting and my shoes just weren't very comfortable. The clerk asked what size I wear and I told her 8 or 8 1/2. She measured me at 9 1/2. What's going on? No wonder my toes hurt. My feet have been the same size for ages, why the difference now?
I was happy to get my flu shot last night. Last year I waited too long and lost two weeks to a bad flu. This year's shot has the stuff for the flu predicted for this year and also for the H1N1 virus, so I'm covered no matter which flu I had.
My neighbor girl came over this afternoon and we picked out the colors for the train she wants to embroider on a towel for her grandpa. We got a good start and she went home with a few bits of fabrics to make postcards, too. Awesome.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
These, Please
I just ordered 8 x 10 prints of these three photos to pick up at my local Walgreen's in half an hour. How civil is that?
It's not a quilt, but it's step one.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Mt LeConte
# 1. I've wanted to hike to Mt. LeConte for ages (hiking is the only way to get there, there are no roads.) It is the third highest mountain in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park and there are meals and overnight accomodations.
# 2. I wanted an adventure when I turned 65 this year and was feeling disappointed with myself for not making that happen.
# 3. Reservations were made last October. But now, Helen has a new job and couldn't get off work and her sister decided to go to Ireland instead. And that's how Sarah and I joined the group.
The climb up is 4.9 miles and the trail is rated strenuous for good reason. It took us 5 hours to hike up, primarily because I was the slowest. It's hard to see this sign, but it says that we are just 0.1 miles away. That's why everyone wanted a picture. The last 0.1 mile is blessedly flat.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Helen 'n Jack

Congratulations and many best wishes to Helen and Jack.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Birthday Party
Back at home were the lunch decorations. Lots of Buzz Lightyear, Aaron's favorite. And, later, Buzz Lightyear toys from Grandma and Pap.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Jacobean Christmas
I only had one thread issue in thousands and thousands of stitches, which is pretty amazing.
I'm hoping for rain today, seems like forever. All the grass is brown, the plants barely holding on. I thought long and hard about getting a Reds ticket for tonight, was all ready to press the button, then decided against it at the last minute. It's sunny now, though. The Reds won in the 12th inning last night, my co-worker and I will be happy when we rehash, which we always do.
As for tonight, I think I'll stay home and listen on the radio while I'm sewing, hope there isn't a rain delay.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Focus Shift
There were cupcakes for school and a few left for home. The real cake comes on Sunday.
The Buzz Lightyear costume from me was somewhat less than a hit, but Nora liked it just fine. I'm sure that when Halloween approaches Aaron may take a second look.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
First Day
Monday, September 6, 2010
Tribute to Nora
Friday, September 3, 2010
The Big Package
I opened the box of fiberfill for this project and it's obvious that the fiberfill will not go willingly back into the box. I actually have two of these boxes, purchased for half off and waiting for whatever project that needs them. Five-pound boxes.
I am blessed to have the space to buy the things I use in bulk. Even though there's only one of me, I want the huge packages of toilet paper and paper towels. Wonder Under and batting and muslin for dyeing by the bolt. It aggravates me to go to the store for a little of this or that because I've run out or need just a little. It seems like such a waste of time and time is so precious. I've read that there are two kinds of shoppers: those like me and those who enjoy the shopping trip out because the paper towels are down to the last few sheets.
Then there's the matter of getting notions and other sewing supplies on sale. I have a good idea of what I use, what colors I'm apt to use, how my supply is. And I know what I will NEVER use. I like to think that it will all work out.
When I went to put ties on Raggedy Andy's outfit, there was red dotted ribbon in the basket, left from another project. I wouldn't have been happy to have had to go to the fabric store (even to the fabric store!) for ribbon. I knew just where it was. I like to work like that.