Thursday, June 20, 2024

Solstice Kind of Picture


The picture is called Last Flowers, by Jules Breton.  It features a young girl picking late flowers in a snowy garden.

It's more of a winter solstice kind of picture, but I visited the Cincinnati Art Museum, and this picture, on this summer solstice day.

The Art Museum is so close to home, and thanks to generous people there is no admission fee, except for special exhibits.  I love to go and just wander around, visiting old favorites and seeing what's new.  

This was my first visit since being sick in December, and I decided against the elevator and walked up the marble staircase, just because I could.

When I made out my list of goals in January, visiting the art museum made the list.  In a few days it will be midyear and time to look at those goals, reevaluate, and add some new ones.  As you know, I love goals.

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

This was an amazing goal and- the steps!!!!! Added bonus.