Friday, June 14, 2024



 Cosmos, my favorite today.  Started from seed.

Two medical appointments this week, which is a lot for a doctor-phobe like me.  Lots more labs.  The rheumatologist was concerned because I have a marker for rheumatoid arthritis.  I have no symptoms and hand x rays show no sign of it.  CBC is normal.  So, the news so far is good.

When I saw the rheumatologist in the hospital my girls were impressed by her boots (it was December.).  Today I liked her flip flops and red toenail polish.  The nice, supportive flip flops, not the drug store kind.

The other appointment was with the nurse practitioner at the hematologist's office.  Keep on keeping on, come back to see her in three months.  See the doctor in six months.

It's been a busy week, appointments and meetings, and I've declared tomorrow a day off.  

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