Thursday, May 16, 2024



It starts in early spring - pansies are my favorite. flowers. Two weeks ago it is  iris.  Purple with white, and white with purple, and my neighbor's gorgeous yellow.

And this week it's peonies.  Those huge blooms that faithfully come up every spring.

The peony bed beside my house has been there for many years.  I've lived here for seventeen years, so longer than that.  As far as landscaping goes, they were about the only thing planted.

And they thrive on neglect.  They don't care for much fertilizer and don't like to be moved.  Planting them close to the house keeps them out of the wind and they will be happy there.

Thanks to my daughter Sarah for weeding them last weekend.

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

Mine have just started to show leaves so...will be a month or more before I see flower buds... the one my husband set on fire might be dead. We'll see. The grass looks fantastic- Tru Green finally got the timing right. Hard to believe,