Thursday, May 30, 2024

Good Time of Year

Yesterday was a good afternoon to find some sale plants at Lowe's..  This isn't my spring for doing a lot of planting so I'm filling in with planters and hanging baskets.  I usually choose healthy-looking petunias and geraniums since they bounce back pretty quickly..

A squirrel is digging in the back porch planter that has the precious marigolds that I planted from seed.  I have some unplanted shallot bulbs and I'll add a couple in the planter in hopes that they keep the squirrel away.

I'm impatient for my yard to look as pretty as the across the street neighbor's, but I'm trying to be patient.  It' not summer yet and we usually have a long fall.  There is time.

In the mean time, I'm enjoying just going out in the morning and admiring the pretty plants and seeing what has come up.  It's a good time of the year.

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

I cover my annual painters with netting from the fabric store overnight....and tie small weights in the corners or use clothespins to hold the netting onto the planters and decorative pots over night.

I also top the soil with a dry manure I buy that the deer do not like the smell of. Blood Meal.
A little goes a long way. Might deter squirrels as well???