Wednesday, May 15, 2024



Another day, another eye surgery, now another post-op day.  I'm so  grateful for outpatient surgery.

This was the roughest, as these things go, but now comes the relaxing time.  No longer counting down the days. until surgery.  No more delays, no more pre op visits.

I had some double vision when the patch first came off but that's almost gone.  And, unlike last time, no black eye.

Now I can sit and plan my next set of goals, enjoy just looking at the garden 

1 comment:

Diana M said...

I hope all is going well with your eyes. I was astonished when my husband walked out of the recovery room with an absolutely clear shield after his cataract surgery-certainly different these days from my nursing experience in the 60's when recovery from eye surgery involved the patient lying on his/her back for hours with sandbags either side of the head to prevent any movement!