Monday, May 23, 2011

Switching Over

After an intense quilting project, it's always a little hard to start on something new. So, I've fallen back into the gentle piecing of the scrappy log cabin quilt and a little studio pick up. And a nice lunch with Becky to give her the Eden Park quilt, plus a visit to an art store. The store carries Procion dyes and fabric paints, much to my surprise. I usually visit the downtown location of the same store, which is much smaller and has no fabric dyes or paints. I got some urea and a gel resist and a little bottle with a tiny tip for the resist.

I'm reluctant to go outside and start the yard work because I know that once I start it will be so consuming. Despite the thunderstorm this morning it's a lovely day, so I'll promise myself one hour. That one hour should fill up my two garbage cans for the Thursday pick-up.

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