Tuesday, March 26, 2024



My neighbor came home from a small trip raving about the lemon maple carrots he had at a restaurant he visited.  So of course  I had to look up a recipe.  They are indeed worth raving about and I suggest that you too look up a recipe.  Mine was from Food Network.

I feel like there's not much to talk about today.  I've mailed Easter cards, including a pretty pop-up one for a very young friend.  As always, I wish I had one or two more cards.  

I had a recipe in mind for an orange coffee cake for the church Easter brunch, but I can't find it.

If you're wondering how long you can keep a frozen turkey in the freezer, I just looked it up - one website says two years and I'm going with that one.  Maybe next week I'll thaw it and roast it, but this weekend there will be ham.

I was happy to find Janet Evanovich's new book Dirty Thirty on the library's new books shelf.  Her Stephanie Plum series is always a little predictable but always so humorous.  It's fun to meet the same cast of characters, even the hamster who lives in a soup can.

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

I'd forgotten the hamster in the soup can....I always got a kick out of those books also.