Sunday, January 16, 2022

Bengals Game


It's Aaron and dad Mike at yesterday's Bengals game.  First playoff game for both of them.

Aaron really wanted to go to the game and paid for his own ticket with his lawn mowing money.  I haven't talked to him but I feel sure he thinks it was worth it.  The Bengals win was the stuff of dreams come true.

It was so cold, and it was dark when the game was finished.

Sending condolences to Joanne on the Patriots game.  You called that one.

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

I was all about those Bengals yesterday. Yelling and screaming when they scored.
Go OHIO. And the quarterback was born in Athens. Played for the Town football team.
But went to Ohio State.

The Patriots game- geez- but at the end- something happened- it was strange and rather special.
Our quarterback seemed to take control at the end and that ball he threw into the end zone- we'd never seen that before-- like a ROCKET.. And then back behind the benches the whole team in a line facing Jones- talking to him one by one and giving him a hug. Coach standing alone. He'd taken off his headset long before Jones threw the touch down pass. He hates a quarterback controlled game. So...?