Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday Fill-In # 174

Friday fill-ins. Happy Friday, everyone.

1. I was wondering whether I can finish Helen's quilt and photograph it for a juried show before I give it to her. It's close to being finished now, but there are still hours to go and the deadline is approaching.

2. I went to Journey Group and I left my book behind. But Violet put it aside for me so I can pick it up later. Actually, it wasn't my book, it was my plate and fork.

3. Why am I so absent-minded? (See answer 2.) And this is nothing new, so don't say it's old age. My sister calls it being dreamy and we share that trait. It makes it hard to focus and hard to find things (I'm looking for my bias tape maker right now. I used it just a few days ago.) I try to compensate by being fairly organized and that helps some but not nearly enough.

4. Gardening was in my thoughts today. I bought a cell pack of peppers to put out in my front yard beds, including my new one. I've got to unload the bags of top soil that I put in the truck for winter weight and enlarge that bed.

5. One of my father's favorite sayings was - I don't have a favorite saying for my father. He was a pretty quiet man. A big reader, and he loved pie and his granddaughters.

6. He's behind with almost everything - I know that feeling! I think I live there. It's not that I'm a big procrastinator, although there's a little of that going on, it's that there's so much I want to do.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm planning to meet friends at Jungle Jim's for a new grocery shopping experience for me, tomorrow my plans included teaching a class, and Sunday I want to work in the yard if it doesn't rain.

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